Bluff - Junoba

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Hij is vandaag een jaar.

  we noemen hem  bluff.

  geb.  27-07-2023

D.M. vrij

  Heupen A.


            Limbonsnest Orange.

  SGF Windswept
  Rumbling Thunder.

Milkywey's Get ready to  rumble

Tripe H Mid knight rumble

Amsburg's own arizona

Mílkeywey's Mustang Sally

Blackfox's dressed for succes

Milkywey's free=N=easy

  Limbonsnest Rubinola.

 Fortin's Black and gold tiger

Milkywey's gentleman jack

Fortin's song of country love

LC Bobbi

Sky Country superman

Fortins LC Trace of mist.

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